FP7-ICT for energy efficiency in buildings
Knowledge-based energy management for public buildings through holistic information modeling and 3D visualization
Projektname: Knowledge-based energy management for public buildings through holistic information modeling and 3D visualization (KnoHolEM)
Schlagwörter: wissensbasiertes Energiemanagement, Funktionsmodellierung, Ontologien
The KnoholEM main objective is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings trough progressive and intelligent knowledge modeling approach able to respond to changes in building configuration and use.The project methodology takes into account and overcome challenges related to high variety of dynamic factors with complex interactions and integration of new standards (IFC). The main project innovations are related to an extended alignment with standards (IFC-OWL mapping, CAD/IFC to OWL), creation of an intelligent knowledge base balanced by several ontologies as heart of the system architecture; 3D visualization of the building environment for the final user and an automated ontology population concept that go behind the state of the art technologies of similar EU projects.
Research System Architecture:
Expected outcome and benefits:
Project Coordinator:
Mr. Nick Tune
Director BRE Wales
Building Research Establishment Wales
Ethos, Kings Road, Swansea Waterfront, SA18AS
Tel.: +44 (0)1792630100
e-mail: TuneN∂bre.co.uk