Production Techniques Laboratory

  • type: Praktikum (P)
  • semester: SS 2024
  • time: Mon 2024-04-15
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-04-16
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-04-18
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-04-22
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-04-23
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-04-25
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-04-29
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-04-30
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-05-02
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-05-06
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-05-07
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Mon 2024-05-13
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-05-14
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-05-16
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-05-27
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-05-28
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Mon 2024-06-03
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-06-04
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-06-06
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-06-10
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-06-11
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-06-13
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-06-17
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-06-18
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-06-20
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-06-24
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-06-25
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-06-27
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-07-01
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-07-02
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-07-04
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-07-08
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-07-09
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-07-11
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-07-15
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-07-16
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-07-18
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Mon 2024-07-22
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

    Tue 2024-07-23
    14:00 - 16:15, weekly

    Thu 2024-07-25
    09:45 - 12:00, weekly

  • lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Deml
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Furmans
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Meyer
  • sws: 4
  • lv-no.: 2110678
  • information: Blended (On-Site/Online)

The production technique laboratory (PTL) is a collaboration of the institutes wbk, IFL, IMI and ifab.

  1. Information management for I4.0 (IMI)
  2. VR-supported product development (IMI)
  3. Production of parts with CNC turning machines (wbk)
  4. Controlling of production systems using PLCs (wbk)
  5. Automated assembly systems (wbk)
  6. Flexible material flow in the age of Industry 4.0 (IFL)
  7. Identification in production and logistics (IFL)
  8. Storage and order-picking systems (IFL)
  9. Production Management (ifab)
  10. Time study (ifab)
  11. Accomplishment of workplace design (ifab)


Participation in the following lectures:

  • Informationssystems in logistics and supply chain management
  • Material flow in logistic systems
  • Manufacturing technology
  • Human Factors Engineering

Learning Objects:

The students acquire in the lab profound knowledge about the scientific theories, principles and methods of Production Engineering. Afterwards they are able to evaluate and design complex production systems according to problems of manufacturing and process technologies, materials handling, handling techniques, information engineering as well as production organisation and management.

After completion this lab, the students are able

  • to analyse and solve planning and layout problems of the discussed fields,
  • to evaluate and configure the quality and efficiency of production, processes and products,
  • to plan, control and evaluate the production of a production enterprise,
  • to configure and evaluate the IT architecture of a production enterprise,
  • to design and evaluate appropriate techniques for conveying, handling and picking within a production system,
  • to design and evaluate the part production and the assembly by considering the work processes and the work places.
Language of instructionGerman

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Organisational issues

Anwesenheitspflicht, Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt. Anmeldung über ILIAS

Arbeitsaufwand von 120 h (=4 LP).

Nachweis: bestanden / nicht bestanden

Regelmäßige Teilnahme an Praktikumsversuchen und erfolgreiche Eingangskolloquien.

Zur Vertiefung des im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung erworbenen Wissens werden die theoretischen Vorlesungseinheiten durch Praxiseinheiten unterstützt.