The celebration of the 20th anniversary of our institute at SteamWork Karlsruhe was a complete success. Under the skilful moderation of Dr. Kai Krickel, the guests experienced a multifaceted and inspiring program. In addition to impressive welcoming speeches and exciting contributions, Prof. Jivka Ovtcharova, our Institute Director, presented a fascinating vision of the role of artificial intelligence in the future. There was also our publication "20 years of IMI", which was signed by Jivka Ovtcharova and given away to the guests. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event an unforgettable experience. We are looking forward to the next 20 years of IMI!
From 19-21 October 2020, a "Practical training in research and industry for emerging AI talents" organized by IMI and LISPEN Arts et Métiers took place at KIT.

On 6 August 2020, the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Energy of the State of Baden-Württemberg, Franz Untersteller, visited KIT as part of his summer tour and also informed himself about our digitalization project ViEW-BW.
moreFrom January 12 to 16, 2018, Wang Haizhou, General Manager of Beijing Hyde International Certification Co., Ltd. visited the Industry 4.0 Collaboration LAB at IMI. He was warmly welcomed by Prof. Ovtcharova, the director of the institute, and Mr. Grethler, the head of the Industry 4.0 Collaboration LAB. The two parties held discussions on issues related to German Industry 4.0 and China Smart Manufacturing 2025. It is expected that a drafting committee for China's smart manufacturing certification standards will be established in Beijing in April this year. This step will facilitate the deep integration of China's smart manufacturing with Germany's Industry 4.0. This will also play an important role in promoting the internationalization of Industry 4.0 certification standards.

A conference for Industry of the Future will be organized from KIT and Arts et Métiers on October 6, 2017 in Karlsruhe.
Imsimity GmbH has presented its newly united Advisory Board. The four-member committee will advise the IT company on its strategic development.
moreProf. Ovtcharova presented an intelligent driving simulation system at the innovation conference in Hangzhou Wisdom Information Industry Park, which was jointly developed by a team of German researchers in Hangzhou under her leadership and TBB.
On Wednesday, 18 May 2017, the Lexer Research Inc. Experience Corner has been opened at the Industry 4.0 Collaboration Lab at IMI.
On 31st of March 2017 a meeting between Institut Image (Arts et Métiers Institute in Chalon-sur-Saône) and IMI followed two seminars organized by ENSAM and KIT in the frame of the French-German Institute for Industry of the Future.
Under the above-mentioned title the agency "Baden-Württemberg International" invited more than 50 Japanese and German representatives of industry and economics to IMI on March 27th, 2017.
The training course on March 8 was conducted as part of the "dimenSion" research project and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
AVARE is a network for usage of virtual and augmented reality funded by the Ministry of Economics and Energy. IMI was actively part of the application process for the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs.
The Institute is kicking off its anniversary year 2017 with a celebratory colloquium to mark the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Institute and the 30th anniversary of the CAD/CAM Association.
This year's EuroVR conference took place from November 22-25, 2016 in Athens and once again brought together experts from research and industry in the field of virtual and augmented reality.
moreThe Service Innovation Camp took place at IMI on October 11 and 12, 2016. Experts from research and industry were able to discuss the topic of "service innovation" and celebrate the opening of the Service Experience Lab with us.
DAREED invites you to share your project results for green and sustainable cities. Join the DAREED workshop on 23rd November in Seville!
The newspaper "Badische Neuste Nachrichten" (BNN Rastatt / Gaggenau) reports about the created consortium with ten municipalities for the project "RegioEnergy" - Energy and Climate Protection - 25. September 2015
Prof. Dr.-Ing Siefried Russwurm, Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG visited IMI on September 3rd, 2015
The Institute for Informationmanagement in Engineering (IMI) invited everyone to the KIT Open Day on 27.06.2015
The intensive collaboration between the Technical University (TU) Sofia and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will continue until the end of 2018.
From 13th of April until the 17th of April 2015, the Institute of Information Management in Engineering (IMI) has presented recent research results on the subject of "Industry 4.0" successfully at the Hannover Fair.
On 25th and 26th of March 2015, the IMI presented at the "Competence Center Days" with the motto: "Industry 4.0 you write with IT" its research results. More than 2.000 participants informed themselves about the latest technological developments in the IT industry.
After a break of several years the PLM-CAD-Workshop was held again this semester.
The FZI celebrated its 30 years of success in technology transfer. From CAD / CAM towards Industry 4.0, IT in mechanical engineering was always in the focus of attention.
Prof. Jivka Ovtcharova awarded as one of the “25 Women of the Digital Future”.
In WS 2014/15, a new innovative practical course was offered. Experience hands-on the product development process, from the initial idea to CAM planning.
moreOn October 14, 2014, the virtual reality presentation day took place at the LESC. Key players and experts in virtual reality - TechViz, Haption, A.R.T. and fleXstructures - joined forces with the IMI research team to create an exciting day.
On September 24th, 2014 the "Industry 4.0 Collaboration Lab" was opened at LESC (Lifecycle Engineering Solutions Center) together with Solid Line AG and Bechtle IT system house and the Forschungszentrum (FZI).
On june 27 th the University of Education Karlsruhe, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the regional authorities in Karlsruhe organise a training regarding to the topic "3D-technologies in education" in the context of the German-french project EVEIL-3D.
The second consortium meeting of the European DAREED project has been hosted by IMI-KIT. The meeting took place between the 11-12th of March, 2014 and got together 22 participants from 12 European organizations.
In April ART’s new product „ART-Satellite-Merger“ was tested successfully at our Labs in LESC.
The Virtual Reality practical course took place for the eighth time this winter semester 2013/2014 at the IMI. Students worked on the further development of the Energy Experience Lab.
The institute IMI did in cooperation with specialists of the P3 Group a cross-industry study on configuration mangement.
moreOn 7. February 2014 the final presentation of the cooperation project “Energy Transition, Visions 2050” took place in LESC.
Hendro Wicaksono and his team at Institute for Information Management in Engineering (IMI) directed by Prof. Ovtcharova have developed software called SERUM (Smart Energy and Resource Management) that efficiently controls the energy consumption.
On june 21 th the University of Education Karlsruhe, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the regional authorities in Karlsruhe organise a training regarding to the topic "3D-technologies in education" in the context of the German-french project EVEIL-3D.
The publication "Methodology for Immersive Emotional Assessment of Virtual Product Design by Customers" got the Best Paper Award on JVRC 2013.
The project "MINT-Box" as driving simulator in virtual reality was presented at the teachers congress of the Baden-Württemberg foundation.
At the conference VARE 2013 the paper "Teaching Methodology for Virtual Reality Practical Course in Engineering Education" received the Best Paper Award.
The "MixedReality Driving Simulator" developed further during the IMIs virtual realtity practical course wins the second price.
The KIT campus group KA-RaceIng e.V. has been given the unique opportunity to use the Interactive Virtual Living Lab of the LESC in order to support the construction of theit racing cars.
moreThe IMI was the host of the workshop Joint-Workshop Adapt4EE-KnoholEM from the 3rd till the 4th september 2013 in Karlsruhe.
Presentation of the PROIndo Initiative during the visit of the Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Berlin.
New information model modelling energy effizient buildings at the 2nd VoCamp workshop in Bruessels.
During the virtual reality internship in the winter term 12/13 the new project "Energy Experience" started at IMI.
moreA collaboration between the Institute for Information Management in Engineering ...
The local station "Baden TV" reported on the project "ecoFLEX" of the IMI on its news on 13/06/2012.
moreOn September 18, 2012 the municipal meeting "Energy change, energy and climate projection concept KEA, KIT and EnBW activities"
On July 20, the student team of the Virtual Reality Internship SS12 successfully completed their contribution to the development of a driving simulator.