• contact:

    Dr.-Ing. Victor Häfner

  • project group:

    Smart Immersive Environments

  • funding:

    Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

  • Partner:

    KIT, Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)

    KIT, Institute for Information Systems and Marketing (IISM)

    KIT, Institute for Information Management in Engineering (IMI)

    University of Applied Sciences (HSKA), Institute of Ubiquitous Mobility Systems (IUMS)

    FZI Research Center for Information Technology (FZI)

  • startdate:


  • enddate:


VIEW-BW - Visualisierung der Energiewende in Baden-Württemberg


Visualization of the energy transition in Baden-Württemberg

The central vision of the project is the interactive involvement of citizens in the transformation of the energy system by creating an intuitive understanding of the complex interrelationships in the energy system of the future. For this reason, augmented reality or virtual reality is to be used to provide an intuitive insight into the energy transition. A playful and realistic interaction, which goes beyond a mere visualization, also allows energy system laypersons a vivid access to interrelationships of energy system components with each other or with the environment as well as the associated effects, which thus supplements the existing energy atlas of the Ministry of the Environment BW with another component.

Accordingly, the project will develop results on different levels - from the federal state of Baden-Württemberg to properties and buildings to devices. These will be made available as 2D representations, AR and VR applications and in the form of dynamic data through various media and end devices. In order to ensure a user-oriented design of scenarios and selection of technologies, stakeholders will be involved in the form of analyses and studies. On the one hand, practical examples for citizens and planning support for decision-makers will be promoted. Sustainability is ensured by the long-term energy atlas integration. On the other hand, the results will be presented at a citizen-oriented event, which will be jointly planned and implemented by all partners, and can be experienced interactively by citizens. The resulting demonstrators will then be integrated into existing laboratories of the project partners. Beyond the project duration, they will be accessible to the public through existing transfer events. In addition, the involvement of third parties such as EnBW is intended to ensure further exploitation.

Satellitenbilder Baden-Württembergs ergänzt um Windpotenzialflächen IMI
Satellite images supplemented by wind potential areas show where the construction of new wind power plants is promising.
Nutzer:innen können neue Windkraftanlagen konfigurieren und auf der Karte platzieren IMI
New wind turbines can be configured and positioned.
"Erreiche die Klimaziele Baden-Württembergs bis Jahr X". Mit dem Planspiel können Bürger*innen die Energiewende selbst in die Hand nehmen. IMI
"Achieve Baden-Württemberg's climate targets by year X". With the simulation game, citizens can take the energy transition into their own hands.