Prof. Dr.-Ing.  Anne Meyer KIT

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Meyer

  • Institutsleitung
  • Data Science in Mechanical Engineering
  • office hours: Nach Vereinbarung
  • room: 256
    CS 20.20
  • Zirkel 2
    76131 Karlsruhe

Anne Meyer is new professor at IMI

New professorship for Data Science in Mechanical Engineering

In September 2023, Anne Meyer took up the professorship of "Data Science in Mechanical Engineering" here at IMI. Before that, she worked for five years as a junior professor and then as a professor for "Digitalization in Logistics and Supply Chain Management" at TU Dortmund University.

In her view, data science offers a variety of methods that can be used to make good decisions based on data - either by humans or by machines. The selection and appropriate combination of methods, depending on the task, goal and available data, is her central research topic.