AITT - AI-assisted Technology Transfer

  • contact:

    M.Sc. Andreas Kimmig

  • project group:

    Artificial Intelligence

  • funding:

    BMWK - Leichtbau TTP

  • Partner:

    Kreuzwieser, Simon

AI-supported, CO2-reduced product creation process with alternative materials and lightweight construction; KIT develops database to optimise production technology transfers.


The AITT project has set itself the goal of using artificial
intelligence to make the product development process (PEP) more CO2-reduced and thus more sustainable and at the same time more competitive through
the use of alternative materials, through the use of new design guidelines according to the
lightweight construction process and through various manufacturing processes.
The aim of the KIT is to compile and, if necessary, create a basic database that can be used to
train AI models for a manufacturing technology transfer in order to optimize specified
target criteria in terms of sustainability and CO2 life cycle considerations. In order to achieve
the broadest possible generalizability, various data augmentation approaches for the Data augmentation approaches for
machine learning, in particular for the creation of synthetic engineering data sets, are to be investigated