title | short description | contact |
Verbundprojekt FlexTools | Development of a toolbox with adaptive algorithms for the introduction of autonomous transport robots for automotive suppliers. |
Max Disselnmeyer, M.Sc. |
eVeeSim | ||
XIRCON - eXtended Intelligence for Rapid Cognitive Reconfiguration | Combining Digital Twins (DTs), eXtended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the XIRCON project, aims to provide a human-centered cognitive support system to speed up reconfiguration processes while minimizing the downtime of manufacturing systems |
AITT - AI-assisted Technology Transfer | AI-supported, CO2-reduced product creation process with alternative materials and lightweight construction; KIT develops database to optimise production technology transfers. |
M.Sc. Andreas Kimmig |
Intelligente Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke für Leichtbaufahrzeuge geringer Stückzahl (IntWertL) | Establishment of a digital platform for the cost-effective, cooperative development and production of complex vehicle concepts for SMEs in the automotive industry. |
AIBetOn3D | AI-assisted 3D printing for building materials |
M.Sc. Andreas Kimmig |
Delfine | Dynamic demand-response system for sustainable production through information technology networking for efficient energy utilisation, marketing and generation |
DigITSimulator | Development of a realistic simulator for the virtualisation of tunnelling in order to train machine operators in a safe training environment. |
KoLabBW | Virtual Collaboration Labs Baden-Württemberg develops virtual collaboration for Baden-Württemberg, supported by XR technologies and PolyVR for interdisciplinary research projects in the InnovationCampus Mobility of the Future |
PolyVR | PolyVR is a virtual reality 3D engine with main focus is the scalability of hardware setups and scene authoring and management. | |
TRinE | TRinE - Telepresence Robots in Education: Use of telepresence robots in educational institutions to develop innovative didactic methods and to promote media and social skills in distance learning. |
Dr. Ing. Polina Häfner |
Ongoing projects at the FZI |
title | end date | description |
3D Workbench | 3D Workbench | |
3DConFu | 3DConFu: 3D reconstruction of rooms and intelligent configuration of furniture
3DConFu |
ADISTRA | Development of an adaptable set of tools for strategic product planning |
Assembly2Reuse | Assembly2Reuse | |
CARE4CM | Capability Appraisal and Requirements evaluation for Configuration Management is a project aiming at developing an appraisal framework for evaluating the Configuration Management Maturity of German Industry. |
CENNET | China European Network on the Net |
CONCERTO Premium | CONCERTO Premium | |
Completed projects at FZI | Completed projects at FZI | |
Consis | Consis | |
DAREED | Decision support advisor for innovative business models and user engagement for smart energy efficient disctircs |
DRAGON | Development of an inteRActive EnGineering Portal for Open Networks |
DRIMPAC | Unified demand response interoperability framework enabling market participation of active energy consumers |
DigiFab | DigiFab - Digitale Fabrik für den Mittelstand |
DigiFab |
DriveSim | For the project "DriveSim", IMI team develops a novel intelligent driving simulator that is tailored to the needs of the Chinese driving school students using technology like virtual reality and artificial intelliegence to create experience closest to reality. |
DriveSim |
Eveil 3D |
EVEIL 3D – Learning Languages in 3D virtual environments |
Eveil 3D |
I4TP - Deutsch-Chinesische Industrie 4.0 Fabrikautomatisierungsplattform | Deutsch-Chinesische Industrie 4.0 Fabrikautomatisierungsplattform |
I4TP - Deutsch-Chinesische Industrie 4.0 Fabrikautomatisierungsplattform |
ImportNET | ImportNET | |
Infolog | Information logistics for the Internet-based process interaction in cross-sector cooperations |
Infolog |
KLASTER | Klassifikationssysteme automatisiert erstellen |
KinKon | KinKon - a system for the real-time reconstruction of extended and bounded 3D environments. |
KinKon |
KlimaRa | KlimaRa | |
KnoHolEM | Knowledge-based energy management for public buildings through holistic information modeling and 3D visualization |
KnoHolEM |
Know4Car | An Internet-based Collaborative Platform for Managing Manufacturing Knowledge |
Know4Car |
KoBaS | Knowledge Based Customized Services for Traditional Manufacturing Sectors Provided by a Network of High Tech SME |
KoBaS |
MyCar | Flexible assembly processes for the Car of the Third Millennium |
MyCar |
New ways to product development | New ways to product development | |
PAK | PAK | |
PROTeach-Net | PROTeach-Net | |
Puresafe | Puresafe | |
SFB346 | SFB 346 "Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing of Components" |
SFB346 |
SWIMing | Semantic Web for Information Modelling in Energy Efficient Buildings |
SWIMing |
SimLay | SimLay | |
SimViDekont | Construction of a simulation model for the qualification of the new vibration method for decontamination of pipelines |
SimViDekont |
SkillPro | SkillPro | |
TFB 48 Projectpart G1 | TFB 48 Projectpart G1 | |
VIEW-BW | VIEW-BW - Visualisierung der Energiewende in Baden-Württemberg |
VR Driving Simulator // MINT BOX | Experiencing Physical and Technical Phenomena in Schools Using Virtual Reality Driving Simulator | VR Driving Simulator // MINT BOX |
Wertstromkinematik | Wertstromkinematik | |
X-Change | Flexible Change Management for the Factory of the Future |
X-Change |
able2solve | able2solve | |
dimenSion | "Multidimensional Service Prototyping" and development of tecniques and tecnologies for "Rapid-Service-Prototyping" |
dimenSion |
i2P2(PPPM) | Integrated and interdisciplinary product and process model in the early phase of product development. Development of a data model for a collaborative knowledge-based product program, product portfolio and project management under aspects of frontloading |
i2P2(PPPM) |
iViP | iViP | |
kMAP | kMAP | |
wEnPro | wEnPro |